06 March 2012

Fact and a Good Story

I've been drawing on skills developed through SuperParents - I'm writing a series of articles destined for a magazine owned by a mate of mine. It's historical fiction circa mid to late 1940s - meaning I have researched major events that have occurred regionally and key players involved. From there I get to do some serious 'post-production' work, and I literally fill-in-the-blanks from my own perspective.

Choi Hong Hi 1953 inspecting the troops
Why let fact get in the way of a good story? The world which they inhabited was awful: framed by the end of WWII and the beginning of the Korean Civil War, a populace racked by famine, people jostling for political power, and no evidence of national solidarity. The idea is not to discount any of their hardships, nor even to create an alternate timeline (I might do that later.) The goal however is to create a story that allows us to draw meaning from their struggles and to get to know human issues of the time. My role in the story telling is just to reduce the prominence of the politicking, the back-stabbing and autocracy which dominated their lives; but only to allow us to focus on the personalities behind-the-scenes.

Korean Marines in Training
Have you ever put yourself in someone else's shoes for a day? It's allowed me to look at their world, and try to make sense of it from how I know it's going to eventually pan out. But even then, I look at it through rose tinted glasses, because that's what I do. I am intent on seeing the silver lining - I just can't help it. In fact, if there wasn't that ability to visualise a better world for yourself or your children, what good is striving ... and how do you get yourself out of the rut you were in.

It's good to be where we're at!

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