14 November 2011

What Women Want

I've been an Associate Woman coming 10 years now.

12 years on and we can still take photos together! :-)

With the amount of time I've spent with women, I've gained some expertise that I think other men might benefit from. For instance, if a woman is asking for an opinion about her attire, you need an all purpose line like "what about the accessories?" For instance, if asked "does this top go with my skirt?" You reply, "but what about the accessories?" Or "do you think these shoes match my outfit?" Again you can respond "but what about the accessories?"

Some guys just get it wrong all the time. Your women is not asking you to come up with a solution for them. In fact, you're not even qualified to help in this process. What you should just do is to help her reflect on answers she's already figured herself. The less real input you bring to the table the better!

If you're really at a loss for what else to do, but need to come up with some something that might save your butt perhaps you should try an NLP approach. Start with a non-aggressive non-confrontational topic. For instance, talk about a nice outing you had recently or an upcoming musical. Then subtly work in and emphasize words that help promote good vibes or an end point you want to achieve. It is such a GORGEOUS day for a picnic. We could go down to the park and bring a NICE lunch for the family. It will be a RELAXING break for all of us. Sure I know all you guys are thinking about is trying to see how to introduce key terms like 'Ride of Your Lives.' Keep it clean, mate.

The ultimate goal is to work in keywords that all women will respond to, and ...ahem, are you listening? These are: 'Vino,' 'Child Free Time,' 'Spa,' 'Breakfast in Bed,' 'Shopping Time,' and maybe even 'Weekend Away.'

Did I miss anything?

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