24 October 2011

Mid Life Delight

I'm 41 and halfway there, but I don't feel like I'm about to descend into mid-life crisis. Yeah, I know one of you smart arses is going to point out the fact I hang out with mummy bloggers all the time and I even call myself an Associate Woman. But really ... I'm not in crisis mode. Yet.

Around me are similarly aged men fixing to get hair plugs, in the midst of divorce, divorced and bitter, divorced and having affairs, married and having affairs, getting a nipple pierced, buying flash cars, and obsessed with cycling.

I've not confirmed the nipple piercing story for myself nor have I witnessed or partaken in any extra-marital coitus. But if I get any video, or when I get video, I'll arrange a giveaway. How does that sound???

Don't get me wrong, I love my fun as much as the next guy. But it's where I find my fun is how I keep out of trouble. The secret is that its not the flash bang you get out of a GQ magazine, it's the slow burn that keeps me engrossed in life and helps me keep on keeping on.

Recently, part of that slow burn turned around to surprise me. A professional organisation called to inform me I am up to receive a doctorate degree for work I've done in their field over the last 28 years. Can you imagine that? Okay, it's not the same as genital piercing, but you've got to say... it's a pretty cool story!

Next to Awesome-ness
'So long as it doesn't say I'm your biatch, Biatch' photo of Colin getting a temporary tat from Kelley

I do have one grouse about getting older, and I wonder if you have the same problem. The more I look at this laptop, the more this screen isn't looking as sharp as it should. Or could it be the haze from that ridiculous cigar jammed into my mouth?

The Associate Woman | The WA 6000 Daily | The Anti-Bully Paper | SuperParents on FB 
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